Buy MyInfo, own it forever

I'd like to buy MyInfo for just $99 + tax

(click Buy Now to see the discounted price)

  • Includes both MyInfo Professional & MyInfo Portable editions
  • One full year of free updates & new features

  • You'll be charged $49/year + tax starting March 2026
  • Get every update. Support MyInfo developers
  • Cancel anytime and keep what you have, forever. Easily resume later
Buy Now

100% Money Back Guarantee

Your initial license purchase is covered with an unconditional 90-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you're not happy with your purchase, return your license for a full refund.

Commonly Asked Questions

What happens when my trial is over?

After your trial of MyInfo Professional is over, you will no longer be able to edit information, but you still can view and export your data.

On how many computers can I install MyInfo?

If you are an individual, you can install MyInfo on all computers that you own (for example home PC, laptop).

If you are business, you need to purchase separate license for each device where MyInfo is used.

How much do additional updates cost after the first year?

After your first year of free updates, you can subscribe to additional years of updates for $49 (USD) per year.

  • You will get bug fixes and new features the moment they are finished.
  • You can do this ahead of time when you buy MyInfo, or at any point in the future.
  • Your won't be charged until your next year of updates begins.

If you no longer want updates, just let us know.

  • Cancelling will not interrupt your active year of updates.
  • You will always get to keep your last update forever.
  • You can always renew your updates later.

If you purchased MyInfo before May 1, 2022, you will get all MyInfo 7.x updates for free, no matter when we release them.

Do you offer academic discounts?

We offer 40% discount for MyInfo Professional to students, teachers, faculty, and staff in academic institutions.

We need one of the following documents as a proof of academic status:

College Students

  • Confirmation email from .edu domain
  • Current student ID
  • Course schedule
  • Registration receipt for this semester
  • Letter of Enrollment on school letterhead

Teachers, Faculty, Staff

  • Confirmation email from .edu domain
  • Link to your faculty web page
  • Faculty ID
  • Letter of Employment on school letterhead
  • Pay stub (cross out confidential information)

How to Send Your Eligibility Proof

Send the document to (attach proof to email or upload on server and provide link)

After we receive and confirm your academic status, we will send you information about how to purchase using the academic discount.

Do you offer non-profit discounts?

We offer 20% discount for MyInfo Professional to non-profit organizations.

In order to get the discount, we need one of the following documents:

  • Copy of IRS 501(c)3 form
  • IRS letter stating you are a 501(c)3

Send the document to (attach proof to email or upload on server and provide link)

After we receive and confirm your non-profit status, we will send you information about how to purchase using the non-profit discount.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Yes, we offer volume discounts. Visit our store to learn more.

Why is MyInfo sold this way?

Traditionally, MyInfo had free minor updates and paid major updates.

However that forced us to delay some major new features for the paid major updates. We hate to do that. Now with the new way we sell MyInfo, we can release major new features the moment they are done!

We think we have found a great balance: you own your app forever for a one-time fee, and we get the opportunity to constantly improve the application for people who love getting the latest features.

Can I purchase additional updates later?

Absolutely. There is no penalty if you choose to purchase another year of updates later when it makes sense for you, no matter how much later that is. The price will remain the same. If you want to wait until there's a feature you want, we are OK with that.

Have another license question?